The Intelligence of the Flowers
This ongoing project was initially inspired by Maurice Maeterlinck’s 1907 work The Intelligence of the Flowers. Specimens were examined at the Herbarium at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh resulting in a series of watercolour studies. This work has led to the production of prints made in response to the book using the pochoir method. Pochoir sits in a liminal space between printmaking and painting and was popular during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries as a way of reproducing fashion illustrations.
Artists soon took up the technique and exploited its very particular qualities to enhance their aims. Jane Hyslop first became aware of it when she encountered Man Ray’s series of prints Revolving Doors and she has gone on to develop her own pochoir process.
Hyslop is extending this work to support her involvement with the New Modernist Editing Network and Imprints of Modernist Editing to create a new body of artists books and prints.